- What is she complaining about? 她抱怨的是什么事?
- What is she rambling on about now? 她在东拉西扯些什么呀?
- She mumbled something. What is she mumbling about? 她在嘀咕什么呢?
- She complained about the omission of her name from the list. 她抱怨名单上遗漏了她的名字。
- What is she doing when the phone is ring? 电话铃响的时候她正在干什么?
- What is she scrounging for this time? 这次她又来要什么?
- What is she go when the phone ring? 电话铃响的时候她正在干什么?
- What a beautiful ship! What is she called? 多么漂亮的一条船!船名叫什么?
- What is she doing here?To be a waitress in a coffeehouse? 她是在为2008年的奥运会做准备呢。
- She complained about the summary treatment given her. 她抱怨对她草率的对待。
- She complained about bundling the children off to school. 推挤现象在电影散场后是常见的。
- What is she do while her brother is wiping the desk? 她兄弟在擦桌子时她在干什么?
- The plain woman explained to me why she complained about the chain. 长相平平的女人向我解释她为什么抱怨那条链子。
- So what is she, like a spokesmodel?An aerobics instructor? |她是谁,代言模特儿 有氧舞蹈教练?
- But what is she going to do with twenty thousand teddy bears? 但是她会怎样处理这两万只玩具熊呢?
- She complained about the food and at one point knocked over her soup. 她抱怨午餐不合她的胃口,并且把汤给打翻了。
- I understand that a lot of users aren't thrilled with the Ultima Necklace as a reward for the Chapter Event, but what is there really to complain about? 据我所知,很多用户不与创世纪项链激动作为章事件的报酬,但到底有什么可抱怨的?
- She had high praisefor Dr. Smith, although she complained about his strictness. 她高度赞扬了史密斯医生,但抱怨他过于严格。
- She is always complaining about something. 她总是怨天尤人。
- What is she poking about for? 她摸来摸去在找什么?